Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Getting the Red Tick for RE New Modules

I'm exploring the Raiser's Edge Volunteer Module at the moment, but been wondering why even records that don't have data aren't getting the red tick / red checkmark on the constituent's volunteer tab. Was it that it only did when a Job was assigned? A Timesheet?

Turns out there was a simple answer - The Volunteer MOdule (and perhaps others) doesn't automatically turn on this functionality for itself, you have to do it manually as a user.

To do this you simply go to: Tools / User Options / Records / Individuals then scroll down the list and you'll see the volunteer tab box is not ticked.

Check it and you're away. Now any data in the volunteer module will put a tab on. Another one for the new user checklist!

Monday, 9 October 2017

Get a List of Excel Tab Names and Compare Headers on Multiple Tabs

Get a List of Excel Tab Names
1. Go to Formulas > Define Name
2. Then in the New Name box, put Tabs in to the "Name" box
3. In "Refers to" paste in this formula =SUBSTITUTE(GET.WORKBOOK(1),"["&GET.WORKBOOK(16)&"]","") & click OK
4. Paste this formula into cell A1 =INDEX(Tabs,ROWS($A$1:$A1))
5. From the bottom right corner of A1, drag the black square for as many cells as there are tabs

This should give you a nice long list of of your tab names.
You can then use this to allow you to compare headings

Compare Headers on Multiple Tabs
If you have a list of Tab headings in Col A then to get a compare list do as follows:

a. In cell B1 type this formula ="¬'"&$A1&"'!B2"
b. Drag that down to your last active row
c. Copy and paste-as-text into column C
d. Make sure that Number Format is marked as "Text"
e. Now select that column and do a find a replace, swapping ¬ for =.
f. Now change the number format to "General" - This should give you a list of the first header on each sheet.
g. Now with all active cells in col C selected, drag right as far as you need.
h. You should now see all your headers and can see how they compare to each other.

Note - if you make changes in the cells of the original headers these should be reflected, but if you delete or move sheets these changes will not reflect and might make things worse.

Monday, 2 October 2017

What GDPR compliant privacy notices will require

Under GDPR the rules about the information you need to include in a Privacy Notice are changing, requiring more information and information that is more specific.

The information can be layered, but it's still a bit unclear how much needs to be provided at the time of sign-up and how much can just be included in a separate printed / online version

There are full details available from the ICO, but the above is a useful quick guide.