Showing posts with label Power BI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Power BI. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Replacing values in Power BI revisited

Back in 2022 I wrote a post detailing the various ways you can replace part of a string in M code (Power Query). It's actually the post I refer back to the most, but I've recently come across a couple of related posts so thought I would quickly add them here.

Replace values in a column using if statements

I adapted this one from this thread in the Fabric Forum. In the original example I was trying to remove the same string from any appearance of it in a field in a column, but what about if your problem is the other way around – i.e. the part you want to keep is always the same, but the part you want to lose varies, in unknowable ways.

In this case you can use an if function in the middle of the command like this:

= Table.ReplaceValue(#"Previous Step Name", each [Column1],each 

if Text.Start([Column1]), 7) = "My term" then "My new term" else [Column1],


Replace/Swap multiple values for another value at once 

If you want to replace the entire contents of a cell with another value (by specifying the whole contents in both cases) then you can do use this:

= List.Accumulate({{"YYY", "yyyyy"}, {"XXX", "XXXXX"}},

        #"Expanded Table Column", (state, current) => Table.ReplaceValue(state, current{0},  current{1},  Replacer.ReplaceValue, {"Team"}))

Monday, 10 June 2024

Hacking PowerBI's Funnel Visual

This is a post I wrote specifically to support my entry to the Storytelling With Data's community monthly challenge for June, which is to create a funnel chart.

The real challenge of doing this in PowerBI is that native funnel diagram visual is terrible. Sure, if you have enough slices it just about looks kinda funnelly. But otherwise you just have a bar chart that’s centre aligned and rarely looks anything like a funnel at all (and is ugly to boot).

So I decided to figure out a way to manipulate the native tool into giving you what that manager/client wants, in a way that will dynamically re-adjust as fresh data comes in. That was the trickiest part of this challenge.

Essentially there are three key leaps that got me here: 
  1. Creating a calculated table in DAX to get the data in a format that the native funnel tool can use; where…
  2. you have sections consisting of many, very thin slices which allows you to get the slope shapes that you want by… 
  3. using maths to using make each slice decreasingly smaller between the values required. 
This could be done so you have one giant triangle shape, or if you only had three stages, (as in my case), so it forms the join between the main stages.

1. To make your calculated table you first have to conceptualize it at several smaller tables joined together, so for a 3-stage process you have a rectangular section (A) at the top, followed by a sloping section (B), another rectangular mid-section (C), a further sloping section (D) and finally the stem (E). For each additional stages you need to add 2 extra sections, a sloping section and the section itself.

2. To do this you go back to thinking about those 3 boring long thin lines. For sections A, C & E you're just going to take that length and divide it by a convenient number of slices (I used 25). So you now would have 25 shorter fatter lines of identical length. 

3. The trickiest bit is getting the slopes, but it's not that tricky because you know the length at the top and the bottom (from 2 above). Again you choose your number of slices (I used 15). All you need to do is to find the mid-point (the average length of your lines) and then, the length each will vary by to bridge the gap. If that sounds complex. Don't worry it's figured out below!

Two final points. I also used a measure to dictate the colour of the slice, hence why I have set up the ID column and done it in the way that I have. My colour measure just looks at the first digit and colour odd and even rows differently.

Secondly, even having done this, I was getting feint lines between each stage. To overcome this I just copied and pasted a second version of the diagram and aligned it on top of the original and slightly lower and the lines disappeared. I then grouped them.

The DAX below should work. But if you have any questions just drop me a comment.

Firstly my data looked like this:

For each date and each of the two campaign I'd get the number of calls who we couldn't contact, the number we contacted and who didn't renew and the number we contacted and they did review.

The DAX for the calculated table, then, looks like this:

Funnel Casual =

  1. VAR k = 25     // (Main sections - must be odd)
  2. VAR j = 15     // (Sloping sections must be odd)
  4. VAR FilteredTable1 = Table
  6. // SECTION A
  7. /////////////
  8. VAR TotalOutboundCalls = SUMX(FilteredTable1, 'Table'[Calls])
  9. VAR LengthValueCalls = TotalTableCalls / k
  10. VAR SectionA =
  11.     ADDCOLUMNS(
  12.         GENERATESERIES(401, 400 + k, 1),
  13.         "ID", [Value],
  14.         "Length", LengthValueCalls
  15.     )
  17. //SECTION C
  18. ////////////
  19. VAR FilteredTable3 =
  20.     FILTER(
  21.         FilteredTable1,
  22.         'Table'[Contact] = "Yes"
  23.     )
  24. VAR TotalTableContacts = SUMX(FilteredTable3, 'Table'[Calls])
  25. VAR LengthValueContacts = TotalTableContacts / k
  26. VAR SectionC =
  27.     ADDCOLUMNS(
  28.         GENERATESERIES(201, 200 + k, 1),
  29.         "ID", [Value],
  30.         "Length", LengthValueContacts
  31.     )
  33. //SECTION E
  34. ////////////
  35. VAR FilteredTable5 =
  36.     FILTER(
  37.         FilteredTable1,
  38.         'Table'[Renewal] = "Yes"
  39.     )
  40. VAR TotalTableRenewals = SUMX(FilteredTable5, 'Table'[Calls])
  41. VAR LengthValueRenewals = TotalTableRenewals / k
  42. VAR SectionE =
  43.     ADDCOLUMNS(
  44.         GENERATESERIES(1, k, 1),
  45.         "ID", [Value],
  46.         "Length", LengthValueRenewals
  47.     )
  49. //SECTION B
  50. ////////////
  51. VAR LengthIncrementB = (LengthValueCalls - LengthValueContacts) / (j - 1)
  52. VAR SectionB =
  53.     ADDCOLUMNS(
  54.         GENERATESERIES(301, 300 + j, 1),
  55.         "ID", [Value],
  56.         "Length", IF([Value] = 301, LengthValueContacts, LengthValueContacts + (LengthIncrementB * ([Value] - 301)))
  57.     )
  59. //SECTION D
  60. ////////////
  61. VAR LengthIncrementD = (LengthValueContacts - LengthValueRenewals) / (j - 1)
  62. VAR SectionD =
  63.     ADDCOLUMNS(
  64.         GENERATESERIES(101, 100 + j, 1),
  65.         "ID", [Value],
  66.         "Length", IF([Value] = 101, LengthValueRenewals, LengthValueRenewals + (LengthIncrementD * ([Value] - 101)))
  67.     )
  69. RETURN
  70. UNION(SectionA, SectionB, SectionC, SectionD, SectionE)

If you have a more complicated table, or just one in a different format you can use line 4 to create / summarize / format / filter it as you wish first.

Thursday, 19 October 2023

Vlookups in Power Query (for power BI)

If you're familiar with Excel before moving to Power Query then it's a little maddening to find that PowerQuery doesn't have a built in "Vlookup" option. It's easily done via the M code though, you simply add this code:

Whole thing:
= Table.AddColumn(#"Previous Step", "Name of New Column", each #"Lookup Table"[LTTarget Field]{List.PositionOf(#"Lookup Table"[LTMatching Field], [Matching Field])},Text.Type)

Where the "Target Field" is the one you want to get the value from using the "Matching field" in the current table which corresponds to the "LTMatching Field" in the other table.

Add a Column Box
Alternatively you can just do this through the add a column box where you'd just put:

#"Lookup Table"[LTTarget Field]{List.PositionOf(#"Lookup Table"[LTMatching Field], [Matching Field])}

Usually though it's better just to merge the two queries. I do suspect this method might be a bit quicker though.

Friday, 28 October 2022

Add extra rows in Power Query dependent on value in cell/column

If you're working in Power Query, and you need to add a whole bunch of blank rows, or rows based on the value from another column. How do you do it?

I went round the houses with this one. There are two key pieces to the puzzle. The first is relatively easy/well known. If you split columns by delimiter you can (under advanced options) do this into new rows rather than new columns.

But how to get from the number in the cell/column to something with which split columns by delimiter could work?

At first I tried putting the cell (actually in my case it was a subtracting one cell from another) as a power of ten, but I couldn't work out how to get it out of 1e+48 mode, to then convert to text and delimit. 

Then I came across Catalin Bombea's post on this forum which I modified. If you add a new column using this formula:

= Table.AddColumn(Source, "NewColumnName", each Text.Repeat("¬",[ValueColumn]-1))

This will give you a string of ¬s as long as the value in the cell/column, for each row in the table (even if it's just 1. 

You then just use split by delimiter and away you go. Only tried it with Power BI but it should work with Excel too.

Thursday, 20 October 2022

How do you sum a total for a column in Power Query?

Power Query has a "Count Rows" button, but there's no equivalent button for when you want to quickly get the total of your values column, to see total sales or total users etc.

But there's good news! There are two relatively simple ways to do this. The one-step version for those happy to work in Advanced Editor, and the easier two-step version for those who aren't. Let's take them in reverse order.

The easier, two-step, version
1. Choose "Add Column">"Custom Column" and in the formula box just type "Total" (with quotes)
2. Now chose "Transform">"Group By". In the 1st box select your new column, under "Operation" choose "Sum" and under "Column" choose the column that has the values to be summed. Press OK to get the above! 

The one-step Advanced Editor version
In a way this is even simpler. Just go to Advanced Editor, put a column on the end of the last line of code and press "Enter". On the new line type Total = List.Sum(Source[Users]). Change the very last line from Source to Total and press OK.

Hat tip to John Dalesandro's post Microsoft Power Query for Excel Tips and Tricks, which gave me enough to work the rest out. Should work for Power Query in both Power BI and Excel.

Friday, 1 July 2022

How to Differentiate Between Similar Field Entries

Say you run a series of events and want to display registration, attendance etc on a bar chart in Power BI. The length of the event names and limitations on the Power BI naming fields in bar charts mean that you can't use the name on the Y-axis, and date gives you problems as well. So you go for a variation on the date worked out in a calculated field during the Power Query part of the process.

This is all fine until the day you run two events on the same day. Now Power BI thinks this is just one event. So you need to find someway of telling the difference between the two events, preferably with a reference to the date of the event.

A way to do this is to add a further calculated column using DAX. This will append an a & b (etc.)  onto the date field when there's a clash, but be blank otherwise. Here's the DAX to do that where 

St.Date =
VAR distinctlycounting = COUNTROWS(FILTER(Titles,Titles[Date]=EARLIER(Titles[Date])))

RETURN IF(distinctlycounting = 1,Titles[Start Date],SWITCH(ReIndex,
1, [Start Date] & "a",
2, [Start Date] & "b",
3, [Start Date] & "c",
4, [Start Date] & "d",
5, [Start Date] & "e",
6, [Start Date] & "f",
7, [Start Date] & "g",
8, [Start Date] & "h"

Where the table is called "Titles", the date field is called "Date" and "Start Date" is the calculated field in Power Query.

Obviously you can add more letter variations if you have more events in a single day, or do away with that bit altogether if you just want to use numbers (and you can also get rid of the CONVERT function wrap around as well.

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Joining/Merging Columns in a single step

As per my previous post sometimes, for tidiness you just want to do something in a single step. So how do you do this with merging / joining / concatenating two columns into one in a single step in Power Query. Easy! (when you know how). Just paste this into your Advanced Editor:

 #"Merged Columns" = Table.CombineColumns(Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Previous Step Name", {{"Column2", type text}}, "en-GB"),{"Column1", "Column2"},Combiner.CombineTextByDelimiter("", QuoteStyle.None),"Column1"),
Where "Previous Step Name" is the name of the previous step, and "Column1" and "Column 2" are the imaginative titles for the two columns you want to merge. This will leave you with a single column called Column 1.

Remove/Replacing part of a string in Power Query

If you like keeping things neat and understandable in Power BI then you probably like to minimise things to one line. So there are times when, yeah, you could create a new IF column and then delete the original and rename it, but you're probably asking "how can I do this in one line of M code?"

Here's a solution for when you're trying to either remove a certain string(s) within a field, (as well as links to one that shows how to replace them).

Remove part of a string in a field
Say I have a field like this:

My Column
Which platforms do you use? Select all that apply
Tick those which work for you. Select all that apply
Which would you recommend? Select all that apply
Which are value for money? Select all that apply
Select all that apply

I want to get rid of all those uses of "Select all that apply". If I use the standard "replace" tool in Power Query it will blank the fifth line and leave the others untouched. I could create a new column here and then delete the original and rename the new one, but to do it in one move I can use this formula in the Advanced Editor:

#"Replaced Value" = Table.TransformColumns(#"Previous Step Name",{{"My Column", each List.Accumulate({{"Select all that apply","XX"}},_,(string,replace) => Text.Replace(string,replace{0},replace{1}))}})

Where "XX" is the term you are replacing it with (in this case just put "" i.e. blank).* 

It turns out you can also hit several replace terms in one columns at once by adding them into the second set of double curly brackets. So, if I want to replace xx with XX, yy with YY and zz with ZZ in Column1, I can do it like this

#"Replaced Value" = Table.TransformColumns(#"Previous Step Name",{{"Column1", each List.Accumulate({{"xx","XX"},{"yy","YY"},{"zz","ZZ"}},_,(string,replace) => Text.Replace(string,replace{0},replace{1}))}})

Alternatively if you want to hit multiple fields you can do that too.  So, if I want to replace xx with XX in column1, and bb with BB in Column2 I can write:

#"Replaced Value" = Table.TransformColumns(#"Previous Step Name",{
{"Column1", each List.Accumulate({{"xx","XX"}},_,(string,replace) => Text.Replace(string,replace{0},replace{1}))},
{"Column2", each List.Accumulate({{"bb","BB"}},_,(string,replace) => Text.Replace(string,replace{0},replace{1}))}

And obviously you can do both together if you wish.

*I found this info in the comments to the two videos included in this blog post by Guru G. The blog post itself covers two similar operations, 1. Removing multiple single characters from a field (video) & 2. Replacing a strings within a field with another string (video). 

Here's another simpler way from The Biccountant which is closer to the code you get if you use the standard tool.

= Table.ReplaceValue(#"Previous Step Name", each [Text to remove], "" ,Replacer.ReplaceText,{"Field to remove it from"})
Where the field containing the info you want to remove is called [Text to remove] and the field you are removing it from is called [Field to remove it from].

If you want to replace it with a specific value you just write a word or phrase in text in double quotes.
Alternatively, rather than a blank or text you can replace with the contents of another field, you just add this into the 3rd term like so:
= Table.ReplaceValue(#"Previous Step Name", each [Text to remove], each [Text to replace with], Replacer.ReplaceText,{"Field to remove it from"})
Where [Text to replace with] is the new field you want to replace with.

More of this? I added to the content from this post in a new post November 2024